Bature Glacier

This area is located in the upper Hunza (Gojal) region of Hunza District in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. It lies just to the north of the Batura Massif, which includes Batura Sar at 7,795 meters (25,574 feet), and Passu, standing at 7,500 meters (24,600 feet). The glacier flows from west to east, presenting a diverse landscape. The lower portions of the region are characterized by a grey expanse of rocks and gravelly moraine, interspersed with a few summer villages and pastures where herds of sheep, goats, cows, and yaks graze. It's also a place where you can spot roses and juniper trees.

Trekking in this region offers a unique opportunity to witness the Wakhi people's way of life during the summer months as they move to high-altitude pastures for their cattle and yaks. The journey commences in Islamabad, the modern capital of Pakistan, and takes you along the legendary Karakoram Highway. Along the way, you'll be treated to breathtaking views of iconic peaks like Rakaposhi, Diran Peak, Shishpar Peak (7,611 meters), Ultar Peak (7,388 meters), Passu Peak (7,478 meters), Karon Koh (7,200 meters), and the imposing Batura Massif (7,500-7,785 meters) with its numerous Karakoram giants.

The rich culture of the Hunza people, their warm hospitality, and the stunning scenery make every day of this journey a captivating and memorable experience.


Days Activities Overnight
1 Arrive at Islamabad. Hotel
2 Fly to Gilgit or drive to Chilas Hotel
3 Continue journey to Gulmit Hotel
4 Drive to Passu Bridge and then walk up, enjoying impressive views of the entire area. Finally reach Mulangil campsite, 2900m Camp
5 Travel across Batura glacier, both rough and smooth, walk for about 2 Firs and finally reach Yashpirt (4-6 hrs) walk with camp at 3300m Camp
6 Trek to Fatimal, a summer village with fine views of Batura group of peaks. Camp
7 2-4 hours walk to Gutchashm along stream with campsite. Camp
8 Free day for hiking and exploration. Camp
9 Return to Kukhil the same way. Camp
10 Trek to Yashpirt. Camp
11 A good walk to Yokopirt and then 2-3 hours to Yunzkin. Camp
12 3-4 hours walk over Yunz Pass and travel to Hunza Karimabad. Hotel
13 Free day for sightseeing and visit to Altit and Baltit Forts. Hotel
14 Drive to Chilas Hotel
15 Continue road journey to Islamabad. Hotel
16 Departure to your own destinations